Skive Municipality offers your children and youth a safe environment to grow up in. In fact, the municipality is one of the safest places in the country to live (Mikonomi 2018), and this helps create a framework for a good childhood characterised by freedom, fresh air and rosy cheeks.

Day care Skive Municipality has a clear position when it comes to the children living here: They should, among many other things, know what their local area has to offer. And they should be familiar with PURE LIFE. Therefore, since 2013, schools and day care centres have made the initiatives an active part of their everyday lives. So no matter whether your child is in day care (this includes both child minders, nurseries and day care centres) or school, they will learn about the values and characteristics of the area. Learn how to sign up for day care and schools and get an overview of the various opportinuties in the municipality. (Click on “translate” at the top of the page to change the language) Schools We offer a range of schools: public schools, continuation schools and special schools. And no matter which school in the municipality you choose for your children, nature is always close by – of benefit to the children, also during school hours, when the teaching takes place outside. The school system in Skive Municipality is unique; we do not just focus on ABC and 123. As a pupil here your child will see how local resources such as the music school, artists, public libraries, the teacher training college and our many local fiery souls are part of a unique partnership. We call it the SKIVE DNA. Together the collaborators have developed interesting teaching programmes based on the local area your children are a part of, and this primes them for facing and excelling in the world – alone and together with others. You can get an overview of how the Danish Education System is structured at the Danish Ministry of Education Read more about Skive Municipality's public and private schools. (Click on “translate” at the top of the page to change the language) Study in Skive Skive Municipality offers the entire package of youth and vocational education programmes as well as a series of further education programmes. Practically all the schools are located next door to each other, creating an excellent study environment and cross-disciplinary synergies. In fact, Skive was elected one of the best youth municipalities in the country 2021 (Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd 2021) and the sixth best study town 2020 (Studentum 2020). Read about educational opportunities in Skive (Click on “translate” at the top of the page to change the language)